Letter: Mayor Filner is full of chutzpah (July 1, 2013)

First we have Aaron Feldman’s Sunroad rejected lawsuit of $40 million against San Diego because Feldman defied the FAA’s mandate and continued construction of an office tower over the 160-foot limit.

I suppose Sunroad learned its lesson and decided $100,000 up front to Mr. Filner to “smooth the way” for new shenanigans was a better alternative (“Filner returns developer’s $100K,” June 29). Will the FBI take a peek at that one?

Indictment? FBI? When San Diego Councilwoman Valerie Stallings was fighting for her life with breast cancer she was indicted for accepting even $2,500 in plane tickets so her daughter could visit her in the hospital.

And yes, only a Bob Filner would try to tell us that he went to France to get jobs for San Diego.

Robert Beken, San Diego

Published: San Diego Union-Tribune