Letter: Steve Bannon

July 31, 2017

Mr. Stephen K. Bannon
White House Chief Strategist
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20500

Mr. Bannon,

It is incumbent upon all each of us to help you make Mr. Trump’s tenure a success. As it is, some Republican seats are now at risk even in 2018. Further, not just the Democrats but the world’s “environmentalists” are at war with our president.

I believe I can hand you a weapon to crush these threats. This is no idle boast. I have spent all the years since Mr. Obama’s first inauguration constructing this plan for the day when a Republican would return to the White House — knowing that he would face the most venomous opposition ever to be faced by any sitting president.

This weapon will not add one dime to the US budget. Instead it uses the funding that would otherwise to support the Paris Climate Change Agreement, plus the $40+ billion required for the removal and remediation of an existing vast and dangerous toxic plume so vast and dangerous that the remediation costs are documented to far exceed $40 billion.

It will:

  1. Provide the equivalent of all the present electrical generation in the United States.
  2. Provide electrical power at so such a low a cost that the United States will have a substantial manufacturing edge over every other nation on the planet.
  3. Such low cost power turns Power costs low enough to turn the “rust belt” into a pot of gold.
  4. Provide the corridors for cross-country high-speed rail.
  5. Provide interstate highways with power stations to make electric cars the obvious choice for all of America.
  6. Provide Diesel trucks (which contribute half of all vehicle pollution) a cheap path to electrification.

The political ramifications are almost nuclear in their effect.

  1. The entire plan is based upon “America First.”
  2. The “environmentalists” will be beaten at their own game. They will be exposed for what they are and PresidentMr. Trump will be seen as the singular World Champion for the Environment.
  3. The House seats for Mr. Issa and Mr. Hunter may be saved.
  4. California’s two Democratic senate seats may be threatened.
  5. California’s switch to a Republican governor may be possible.
  6. California’s “Cap and Trade” can be used as a near lethal weapon against the very Democrats who demanded it.

I have some experience in technology and in fact worked on Apollo 17, NASA’s last mission to the moon. I have some patents. Patent 3,863,571 was for a device that allowed the passive examination of the interior of a building from some distance and provided a full 3D view of the interior. It also could be used to examine the contents of — for example — a North Korean cargo plane in flight and provide full 3D imagery of its interior and certainly including any plutonium products. Patent 6,552,652 was for a device that notionally “saved undocumented migrants in the desert.” What it really did was detect drug vehicles at three miles and ultralight aircraft at five miles.

The list of “Deep State” victims is long and I have no desire to be added to that list. I will be pleased to make a detailed presentation to people of your choosing and probably an optimum location would be MCAS Miramar.

There is — as you might imagine — far more to this topic than I have let on. The presentation would be in two parts. The first part (energy generation and ecological disaster mitigation) could be thought of as SENSITIVE and politically damaging if compromised. The second part (advanced weapons applications) must be considered — once disclosed — TS/SCI and its general release could pose a grave threat to the security of this nation.

In your position you must receive dozens if not hundreds of letters making extragavant promises, many of which seem to come from persons of marginal sanity. I hope you do not dismiss this correspondence as being in that category. For many years now, I have despaired for the security and continued existence of our republic. The information I propose to reveal to you would further each of these goals, and I ask nothing in return but the preservation of our way of life. From what I can see, the Trump administration needs all the help it can get in these areas. This is just one of my contributions. To be jocular for a moment, the recipient of the TS/SCI section of the presentation might well do a “happy dance” in the parking lot when he grasps what I have discovered.


Robert Beken, San Diego