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One Call Close Method, Part 7

“morality and truth.” Note that the word “ethics” is not there. Ethics only means that you know the difference between right and wrong, it does not mean that you will actually be ethical.

The prospect is now really stressed. The salesman is so cute and polite and vulnerable and knowledgeable and kind and looks just like the woman’s grandson. And the company is so honest, and has all the licenses, and permits, and is a member of the BBB, and the BBB “CARE” program, and there are Bad People out there and “we” really did plan on getting those windows someday and well, should “we” do it now?

We’re. SCARED!!!

7.) Calm the Prospect, Add Value: 15 minutes

The prospect is now looking for some avenue of escape. Of course, this is bad… so the salesman has to calm the prospect and turn off their “deer in the headlights” look.

The prospect is now almost in the “Oh Oh! I’ve done it” mode. The salesman might say: “I’ll show you our licenses again now, and show you how we care for our customers.

At this point the salesman will pull out a blank contract. It may be called a “work order” or “an inventory” or who knows what he might call it. It will be about four pages thick and have fine print on both sides of every page. With the blank contract on the table he will calmly talk about the company and show the address of the company … on the form — and discuss how the products are listed on his forms.

Now, in case you missed it, he said he was bringing out the licenses … which the prospect has already seen and is not afraid of. But the salesman pulls out a CONTRACT.

What he is now doing is getting the prospect used to seeing that four page death sentence on the table. Some salesmen will keep the document upside down or even face down for a while so that the prospect can’t read it while he is talking.

The salesman will talk about how the company provides all the labor and all the materials and pays all the taxes. Law requires some of this babble and some is just additional droning to help move the prospect to the signature line.

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