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Coatings, Part 6

working on your home. If the shirts are new then they put them on just for the time that they are representing this company at your home.

The good news is that the painters themselves can be very honest and sincere and actually eager to do a job right. They also may well not be all that stupid. If you are victim #1 then they are victim #3 (the salesman may well be victim #2) because they are getting maybe 1/5th of the money you paid out to actually do this job. Find the team leader and slip him $100 before he starts work. You may do him — and yourself — a big favor.

How long will it take to “coat” your home?

It will take less than a day to power wash your home and trench. Usually, the crew will then wait one day — actually skip a day — before applying patch and primer. The crew leader will use an electric humidity tester to measure the water content of the home’s stucco and wood trim. If the moisture level is too high then he will wait for the stucco and wood to dry a little more. The final coat can be put on the same day as the primer. The entire job will take two men about four days. That works out to about 70 hours labor plus $2,000 in materials or about $5,000. You paid $20,000 to coat a single storey home and over $30,000 to coat a two storey home.

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